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About Us


The purpose of Just Like Home Early Learning Center is to empower children to become confident, respectful, lifelong learners. Our mission is to help children see the world as an invitation to learn, grow, live fully, and to see a world full of possibilities that are within their reach. Our program is designed to help give children the foundation they need to build positive self esteem, encourage exploration, and to reach higher levels of learning. Our commitment is to provide a loving, nurturing, and safe place for children to begin their lifelong journey of learning.


Although times have certainly changed since we first opened our doors in 1997, our mission and our goals have never and will never change. After being in business all this time, we are as committed as ever to providing excellence in Early Childhood Education. We are thankful to be a part of such an incredible community and take immense pride in watching our JLH "alumni" grow up to find success and be leaders among their peers.

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